
Upcoming Events

  • Human Potential Coach Certification Training

    Event Date & Time: 2024-08-27 | 06:00

    BECOME A CERTIFIED HUMAN POTENTIAL COACH AND SUPPORT LEADERS TO WORK AND THRIVE FROM THEIR FULL POTENTIAL We invite all change agents, coaches & intrapreneurs to join us on this journey, where you will learn about the tools, frameworks, and assessments that have consistently proven to open up transformational conversations with both individuals and organizations. […]

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Past Events

  • Creating breakthroughs in Employee Experience

    Event Date & Time: 2023-12-01 |

    AN ONLINE SELF-PACED LEARNING JOURNEY FOR LEADERS & MANAGERS According to a recent Gartner research, only 13% of employees are fully satisfied with their employment experience! Don’t expect this to change unless we significantly rethink our approach to “Employees” and what it takes to have a positive experience at work. The next frontier invites us […]

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  • Conversations That Matter – Journey Through The Human Potential House

    Event Date & Time: 2023-09-14 | 15:30

    Join us for bi-weekly calls to explore and unleash more of your Human Potential. During these 1-hour online sessions we will zoom into one of the 23 dimensions of the Human Potential House, each representing a portal into a deeper aspect of yourself. You will discover a multitude of resources to grow your understanding of […]

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  • Human Potential Certification Training for Leadership Development – November 2021

    Event Date & Time: 2021-11-16 | 08:00

    This certification program is for coaches, consultants or change agents looking for a proven innovative approach to unleash to full leadership potential of their clients. The purpose of this training is to empower and equip like-minded OD Professionals with the tools and know-how needed to market, execute and interpret the Professional Human Potential Assessment. At […]

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  • Organizational Human Potential Certification Training – August 2021

    Event Date & Time: 2021-08-09 | 08:00

    This certification program is for external coaches or consultants looking for a proven innovative approach to unleash human potential within organizations OR internal coaches / change agents who aspire to champion a more conscious culture in their organization. The purpose of this training is to empower and equip like-minded OD Professionals with the tools and […]

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  • 5-day Full Potential Team Coaching Training – June 2nd to 8th, 2021

    Event Date & Time: 2021-06-02 | 10:00

    Become a Human Potential Team Coach, and help teams work and thrive from their full potential. “Bringing a TEAM and its members to unfold their FULL POTENTIAL is a key success factor in any organization, small or big. It is also a challenge. How a team functions has a direct impact on individual and collective […]

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  • 4-week online Human Potential Certification for Individuals – Feb 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th, 2021

    Event Date & Time: 2021-02-05 | 15:30

    Are you passionate about coaching at a deep Human Potential level? We are too! And here’s how the Human Potential Certification Program can help you bring more depth and rigor into your coaching practice: “The Human Potential Assessment is like a “map of Being” reflecting back who we are in our wholeness. From this place […]

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  • 5-day Full Potential Team Coaching Training – March 17th to 23rd, 2021

    Event Date & Time: 2021-03-17 | 10:00

    BECOME A HUMAN POTENTIAL TEAM COACH, AND HELP TEAMS WORK AND THRIVE FROM THEIR FULL POTENTIAL “Bringing a TEAM and its members to unfold their FULL POTENTIAL is a key success factor in any organization, small or big. It is also a challenge. How a team functions has a direct impact on individual and collective […]

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  • In Italian: 10 week Human Potential Certified Coach Training (CC)

    Event Date & Time: 2020-10-19 | 15:00

    ACCADEMIA PER LO SVILUPPO DEL POTENZIALE UMANO Human Potential Certified Coach Training (CC) Ottobre – Dicembre 2020 MODULI E PROGRAMMA Il programma è diviso in 3 moduli distribuiti su un totale di 10 settimane. Modulo 1: Riconosco il mio potenziale Il percorso inizia con una valutazione del tuo potenziale umano seguito da una sessione di […]

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  • In Italian: 6 week journey into the self (Viaggio nel Sè)

    Event Date & Time: 2020-09-01 | 06:00

    Viaggio nel Sè. Un percorso di esplorazione del proprio potenziale umano. COSA Tutti noi siamo come iceberg. Abbiamo una parte visibile, sopra la superficie del mare, fatta dei nostri comportamenti, delle nostre azioni e parole. E una parte nascosta, sommersa sotto la linea dell’acqua e per questo poco visibile. Questa parte contiene gli aspetti più […]

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  • Full Potential Team Facilitation Training – November 23rd to 27th, 2020

    Event Date & Time: 2020-11-23 | 10:00

    BECOME A HUMAN POTENTIAL TEAM EXPERT AND FACILITATOR, AND HELP TEAMS WORK AND THRIVE FROM THEIR FULL POTENTIAL “Bringing a TEAM and its members to unfold their FULL POTENTIAL is a key success factor in any organization, small or big. It is also a challenge. How a team functions has a direct impact on individual […]

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  • 6-week online Human Potential Assessment Certification for Individuals – May 5th to June 9th, 2020

    Event Date & Time: 2020-05-05 | 15:30

    Are you passionate about coaching at a deep Human Potential level? We are too! And here’s how the Human Potential Certification Program can help you bring more depth and rigor into your coaching practice: The Human Potential Assessment Tool is positioned at the cross roads of modern management science and ancient wisdom traditions that recognize […]

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  • Full Potential Team Facilitation Training – April 6th to 10th, 2020

    Event Date & Time: 2020-04-06 | 10:00

    BECOME A HUMAN POTENTIAL TEAM EXPERT AND FACILITATOR, AND HELP TEAMS WORK AND THRIVE FROM THEIR FULL POTENTIAL “Bringing a TEAM and its members to unfold their FULL POTENTIAL is a key success factor in any organization, small or big. It is also a challenge. How a team functions has a direct impact on individual […]

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  • Organizational Human Potential Certification Training – March 2nd to 6th, 2020

    Event Date & Time: 2020-03-02 | 09:00

    If you an external coach or consultant committed to human potential development within organizations, or if you are an internal coach / change agent championing a more conscious culture in your organization, then probably you have recognized that the command & control way of doing business is no longer sustainable. Not only do you know […]

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    Event Date & Time: 2018-03-27 | 10:00

    BECOME A HUMAN POTENTIAL TEAM EXPERT AND FACILITATOR, AND HELP TEAMS WORK AND THRIVE FROM THEIR FULL POTENTIAL “Bringing a TEAM to unfold its FULL POTENTIAL is a key success factor in any organization, small or big. It is also a challenge. How a team functions has a direct impact on the individual and collective […]

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  • Human Potential Forum – Synchronizing Individual and Collective Purpose, March 20th & 21st, Geneva, Switzerland

    Event Date & Time: 2019-03-20 | 09:00

    * Individuals, teams and organizations face a turbulent world and are struggling to adapt * More than ever before we are being challenged to define our WHY in a way that inspires our people AND creates value for all stakeholders * Too often though, this exercise is an intellectual one, resulting in nice words, but […]

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    Event Date & Time: 2019-03-05 | 10:00

    √ Where is the next breakthrough in performance in your organization? √ Where is your organization today in terms of realizing the full potential of your people? If these questions are relevant to you as an HR Head, L&D Executive, Leadership/Talent Development Manager or HR Thought Leader, this program is for you. Become an organizational […]

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  • THE HUMAN POTENTIAL FORUM: Leverage your Organisation and Team’s Potential and Create Business Breakthroughs – DEC 6th & 7th 2018, Mumbai INDIA

    Event Date & Time: 2018-12-06 | 09:00

    * Are your people yearning to bring more of who they are into what they do? * Do you feel like breakthroughs have dried up in your business and you are not anymore exceeding the expectations of your customers? * Is there an opportunity to shape your work so that it becomes a more fulfilling […]

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  • Day HUMAN POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT TRAINING: October 22nd to 26th, 2018, Baarlo, Netherlands

    Event Date & Time: 2018-10-22 | 09:00

    Become an organizational Human Potential expert and help organizations unleash a new paradigm of value creation. After this training you will be able to: – Make a robust business case for HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT and expand your effectiveness in OD work – Clearly demonstrate how a greater focus on HUMAN POTENTIAL REALIZATION drives key business […]

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  • Human Potential Assessment Certification FOR INDIVIDUALS

    Event Date & Time: 2018-04-02 | 15:30

    Are you passionate about coaching at a deep Human Potential level? We are too! And here’s how the Human Potential Certification Program can help you bring more depth and rigor into your coaching practice: The Human Potential Assessment Tool is positioned at the crossroads of modern management science and ancient wisdom traditions that recognize a […]

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    Event Date & Time: 2018-02-11 | 10:00

    Become an organizational Human Potential expert and help organizations unleash a new paradigm of value creation. After this training you will be able to: – Make a robust business case for HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT and expand your effectiveness in OD work – Clearly demonstrate how a greater focus on HUMAN POTENTIAL REALIZATION drives key business […]

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    Event Date & Time: 2017-09-04 | 10:00

    Become an organizational Human Potential expert and help organizations unleash a new paradigm of value creation. After this training you will be able to: – Make a robust business case for HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT and expand your effectiveness in OD work – Clearly demonstrate how a greater focus on HUMAN POTENTIAL REALIZATION drives key business […]

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    Event Date & Time: 2017-05-01 | 10:00

    Become an organizational Human Potential expert and help organizations unleash a new paradigm of value creation. After this training you will be able to: – Make a robust business case for HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT and expand your effectiveness in OD work – Clearly demonstrate how a greater focus on HUMAN POTENTIAL REALIZATION drives key business […]

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  • Human Potential Assessment Certification

    Event Date & Time: 2017-05-16 | 15:30

    At the end of this 4-week online training, you will be equipped to administer the tool, help your clients interpret the findings and translate them into a highly customized development plan. The course is designed for Human Potential work at an INDIVIDUAL (1 to 1) level. It is also a pre-requisite for our partners who […]

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    Event Date & Time: 2017-07-12 | 10:00

    Become an organizational Human Potential expert and help organizations unleash a new paradigm of value creation. After this training you will be able to: – Make a robust business case for HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT and expand your effectiveness in OD work – Clearly demonstrate how a greater focus on HUMAN POTENTIAL REALIZATION drives key business […]

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    Event Date & Time: 2017-05-10 | 16:00

    What is needed now is a whole new consciousness from which to address problems and approach innovation. Or, even more, a whole new state from which to interact with the increasingly dynamic and unpredictable world around us. Join us in Sonoma County (north of SF) May 10-12 for a summit where a small group of […]

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  • A certification training to accelerate HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT within organizations

    Event Date & Time: 2017-02-01 | 09:00

    After this training you will be able to: 1. Make a robust business case for HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT work and expand your effectiveness in OD work 2. Clearly demonstrate how a greater focus on HUMAN POTENTIAL REALIZATION drives key business metrics such as employee engagement, trustworthiness & innovation 3. Inspire your clients to bring more […]

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  • Human Potential Assessment Certification

    Event Date & Time: 2016-11-03 | 15:30

    At the end of this 4-week online training, you will be equipped to administer the tool, help your clients interpret the findings and translate them into a highly customized development plan. The course is designed for Human Potential work at an INDIVIDUAL (1 to 1) level. It is also a pre-requisite for our partners who […]

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  • The Human Potential Summit India – A human centric perspective on DIVERSITY

    Event Date & Time: 2016-02-21 | 16:00

    In the Summit, we will explore how resolving diversity challenges fosters innovation, employee engagement, customer orientation and eventually bottom line results. Following the summit, participants will feel equipped to bring these practices back into their organizations and BE the change they wish to see.

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  • Human Potential Summit Netherlands – from Sustainability to Thrive-ability

    Event Date & Time: 2016-09-19 | 10:00

    During the HUMAN POTENTIAL SUMMIT, we invite Sustainability, HR professionals & leading-edge social entrepreneurs & coaches to: 1. Discover best-in-class tools and methodologies for unlocking the full potential of their PEOPLE 2. Go beyond the “have to” thinking of compliance, philanthropy, risk management, and eco-efficiency, to a “want to” thinking of new systems, models and […]

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  • Organizational Assessment Certification Training

    Event Date & Time: 2016-07-06 | 10:00

    To empower and equip like-minded OD Professionals with the tools and know-how needed to MARKET, EXECUTE AND INTERPRET the ORGANIZATIONAL HUMAN POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT.

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  • Celebration of Diversity Day

    Event Date & Time: 2016-06-16 | 10:00

    We will…Awaken to the rich diversity within ourselves, Celebrate the uniqueness of each other, play with the inner tensions that prevent our full diversity from expressing itself, Step into the hugely creative space in between, And allow the magic to unfold

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  • Summit for Human Potential Realization, AUCKLAND, New Zealand

    Event Date & Time: 2016-02-15 | 10:00

    During the 2,5 day Summit, organizational leaders will have the opportunity to immerse deeply in this work and discover for themselves how a greater focus on Human Potential Realization leads to breakthroughs in innovation, employee engagement, customer orientation and eventually bottom line results. We are inviting you to gather with people asking the most significant […]

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  • Summit for HUMAN POTENTIAL Realization, 20 – 22 Sept., The Netherlands

    Event Date & Time: 2015-09-20 | 16:00

    This summit is designed for change-makers working in, or alongside, businesses, NGO’s and political organizations to help these organizations fully realize their potential. The change-makers may come from different walks of life. Some may be embedded within the organizations they aspire to change (from HR, Diversity Management, Sustainability or even the business lines) while others […]

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