The challenges of these times have brought about a heightened sense of urgency to work together at all levels of society, starting with our leaders in politics and government. By bridging the ideological divide we can help you bring the attention back to what unites us, and from there reground the conversation in the greater good.


Human Potential Realization for Politics, Government and Social action

Politics can be seen as a space to build the ‘collective us’  in a search for the common good. Ideally the different voices in politics are a fair representation of the will of the people. Politicians, government bodies, civil servants and other change makers work to bring about that democratic will in collaboration and co-creation with societal stakeholders. Unfortunately in many parts of the world trust in politics and government is eroding and in some parts even absent. Demands on good-willing politicians, government leaders and civil servants at a national and local level are ever increasing. Internet and social media have broadened the playing field. Experiences of citizenship that are rooted in democratically unhealthy emotional moods, such as fear, impotence, greed, resentment and resignation will not foster that much needed change.

Einstein already said: no problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it. In an ever changing and volatile world, raising consciousness will help in navigating uncertainty and is the ‘new’ lever for real and lasting change. More awareness opens a pathway for really being in service to the emerging future, working with the evolutionary life force for the greater good and have universal wisdom / truths and new paradigms come through that will help us overcome the challenges that we are faced with. More than ever, the DOING must come from a place of BEING for people to inspire others and keep up their strength in service of a greater collective purpose. ‘Being Leaders’ like Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln have brought about real social change and have been a source of inspiration for many.

Each human being, every governing body or (management) team can consciously undergo a journey of discovery and self-leadership that will contribute to build trust among people, recover a sense of communitarian harmony, inspire dynamics of social collaboration and healing and unleash our infinite individual and collective Human Potential. It is our shared humanity that connects us all. Learning to see the future with hope from the certainty of our inner greatness and limitless resourcefulness will help us rediscover effective formulas of democratic governance for the sustainable evolution of our communities, nations and the world at large.

We use qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, individual, professional, team and organizational assessments that measure the untapped Human Potential, coaching tools and training practices when we deliver services to:

  • politicians and government leaders/managers who want to step up in their ability to navigate and lead in uncertain times  and who are open to applying new ways of solving old problems based in a higher consciousness paradigm
  • government bodies and management teams on a national and local level, who want to substantially enhance their effectiveness in addressing societal challenges
  • citizens, non-governmental organizations and other change-makers who are called to actively transform affairs in the public domain and in their communities
  • scholars, students and seekers who are interested in understanding and exploring ways to facilitate and harness social change and transformation, based on an ethical and effective leadership model

For more information please contact Rodrigo Martinez-Romero (Mexico) at politicsfromtheself@gmail.com or Annelieke Verkerk (The Netherlands) at annelieke@beingatfullpotential.com

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Hermann-Rorschach Strasse 24, 8200 SH, Switzerland

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