Name | Harrison Lennox-Wright |
Phone Number | (55) 5515 2671 |
Website | |
City | Mexico |
Country | |
What do others say about me and my coaching? | Focused, intense individual who pushes buttons and listens with passion and belief. |
Who is my ideal client? | |
What is my vision for my coaching practice? | Work in progress |
Life experiences I bring to my coaching | Over 17 Years in leadership positions and profound inward journey helps me deliver outstanding coaching and mentoring experiences. |
My Speciality | |
Geographic scope of my practice | |
Anything else about Me | No |
What inspires me most about the HP approach? | Develop oneself to go as deep as possible. |
What unique talents and gifts do I bring to the community? | Leadership, Focus, Attention to Detail, Follow up |
What do I hope to get out of the community? | Human interaction, great stories, fulfillment |
In what ways would I like to collaborate with other coaches in the community? (select all that apply) |