Full Potential Teams
We help you unlock the collective motivation, creativity, well-being, and resilience of your team
The tensions and complexities inherent in today’s organizational dynamics prevent teams from realizing their FULL POTENTIAL. To change that, we must find more effective ways to:
- Rally behind an inspiring long term vision while delivering short term results,
- Resolve interpersonal conflict
- Align the unique talents and passions of the individual team members with the collective purpose of the team,
- Unlock cross functional synergies,
- Remain true to our values in the face of external pressures
Trying to address these tensions with a command and control style of leadership will, more often than not, make things worse, create toxic relationships and threaten the stability of the entire system.
What if we did something different? What if we could hold a difficult situation long enough to drop deeper than what the surface might seem to suggest? What if the conversation that evolved out of that tension or complexity was the very thing that could transform it? And what if the new commitments, the actions, and the creative impulse that appear from this work, inspire each member of the team to rally behind a common purpose. Just imagine the multiple breakthroughs that would be possible then!
In our research on what makes the difference between a good performing Team and a FULL Potential Team we have found the following five mindsets to be the most crucial enablers:
- Disciplined investment in shared team standards of BEING: Measures how well the Team creates sustained conditions for trust, respect, openness to new ideas/new thinking.
- Collectively embody a meaningful purpose: Measures the Team’s ability to rally behind a meaningful purpose and create concrete project opportunities to bring it to life.
- Opportunity seeking: Measures the Team’s ability to practice the 3rd way. Ie: its ability to re-frame situations, problems and options (finding the win-win’s).
- Help each other shine in their wholeness: Measures the Team’s ability to see people in their wholeness (functional expertise is a part of that but not all of it) and creates responsibilities based on that.
- Unconditional dependability: Measures the Team’s ability to rely on each other, to follow through on commitments, set the right expectations and communicate proactively.
“The Being at Full Potential Team Facilitation process takes you through multiple levels of learning and tools for training teams, you also put it into practice during the training and therefore learn directly through experience. The course’s foundations rest on solid research and data, which participants then comprehend and consolidate through direct personal experience and creative exercises”.
“Well done for not only taking us on a ride ourselves, but also constantly mirror back how we can take clients on a ride in the same manner. Very useful this link between experience and training/practical application of the course content.”
“You created a superb learning environment. A safe space to show up in our full Being. Thank you for that”!
“The Full Potential Team Facilitation Training is an excellent way to explore new ways of collaboration. It reveals that real change is not just a matter of doing but that something else is needed. Based on assignments and exercises we learned to create a safe space that is so desperately needed to get everybody on board to make the change. For me it was a very inspiring and stunning experience, that can be applied to any organisation.”
Reach Us
Is this the beginning of your Human Potential journey? We look forward to hearing from you
Hermann-Rorschach Strasse 24, 8200 SH, Switzerland