Start date: 2020-03-02 - End date: 2020-03-06

Time: 09:00

Location: Baarlo, Netherlands

If you an external coach or consultant committed to human potential development within organizations, or if you are an internal coach / change agent championing a more conscious culture in your organization, then probably you have recognized that the command & control way of doing business is no longer sustainable. Not only do you know that the current work paradigm needs a fundamental shift, but you also are choosing to be an active co-creator of the new.

If you go on this journey with us you will not only access a powerful suite of human-centric tools and methodologies to help organizations confidently step into this new paradigm, you will also take the plunge yourself! Together we will depart from the well known world of DOING, to explore the depth of our own BEING. From this place, we are able to ask better questions, see new opportunities and learn exponentially.Now the herculean task of scaling personal transformation to collective transformation not only becomes more achievable, but also more fun!

Are you ready to join a wonderful community of like-minded Human  Potential experts across the globe? Are you ready to take your service to the next level and help organizations unlock a new paradigm of value creation? Then why not join us on this holistic three month (plus much more) journey?

Sign up

For more detailed information on the benefits you will receive from this program, we invite you to tune into the following webinar: