About us
Every Human, BEING at Full Potential.
Are you ready to express yours?
Who We Are
We believe that expressing our Human Potential is a basic human right.
BEING at Full Potential is dedicated to a world where the HUMAN POTENTIAL of every individual and organization is fully realized.
We are a global assessment, training and coaching organization committed to unlocking HUMAN POTENTIAL by bringing the attention back to the essence of WHO WE ARE and WHY WE ARE HERE.
From this state of BEING our clients easily see through the complexities and chaos of their worlds, enabling them to move forward with a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

A global community across 4 continents.
Across 4 continents we support individuals in their leadership by strengthening the BEING and equip leaders from the for-profit, not-for-profit, political, educational and other sectors in making HUMAN POTENTIAL REALIZATION the centerpiece of transformation within their organizations and institutions.
To achieve this we invest heavily in research on human-centric innovations and collaborate with academia and industry to develop solutions that help individuals and organizations fully take advantage of their immense HUMAN POTENTIAL.
On a global level BEING at Full Potential promotes human potential realization through our HUMAN POTENTIAL ACADEMY and through our THOUGHT LEADING RESEARCH for the different sectors.
We are headquartered in Canada with branches in Europe and India. In order to better serve our customers we have forged numerous alliances at a regional/country level. We have established regional partnerships in South America, United Kingdom and New Zealand and are in the process of setting up new branches and alliances in other regions and countries.
BEING at Full Potential was founded in 2008 by Sujith Ravindran and Mark Vandeneijnde. Having both spent a decade in leadership positions within large multinationals, they were well aware of the challenges organizations were facing in harnessing the full HUMAN POTENTIAL of their workforce. With employee engagement at an all-time low, it was clear to them that a significant shift needed to take place in terms of how one looks at any organization’s most valuable resource – its PEOPLE. They noticed that the command and control paradigm – which had been so effective in driving productivity in the past – needed to be replaced with a more inspiring and allowing way of being with each other in organizations. This insight gave birth to BEING at Full Potential.

Our Mission
We hold space for each other, and the wider world, to continuously express more of who we are and find creative ways to integrate our full selves into all aspects of our life.
We relentlessly explore the edge of human awareness & organizational practices, pioneer new frameworks and approaches that enable the ‘being’, quantify the unquantifiable, bring this science into the mainstream and make it our new collective lived reality.
We are pioneers of new organizational bodies that create the conditions for a new generation of conscious change-makers to collaborate across boundaries, in service of a greater good.
Standards of Being
1. Allowing
We trust in the resourcefulness of each person, and we accept others’ truth as perfect for them. We are not prone to control, because we know that everyone is on a unique and perfect journey. Whenever the energy is heavy or not flowing, rather than push through, we pause to listen & sense into the wisdom of the moment.
2. Being Fully Human
Although we continuously strive to be at our full potential, we recognize that no matter how evolved we are, there is always more to grow into. We accept that this journey of self realization will stretch our comfort zone and at times challenge some of our deeply held beliefs. In these moments of growth, it is normal to experience fear, self-doubt and separation, just like it’s normal to feel gratitude, connection and love in moments of flow. We embrace, without judgment, all aspects of the human experience and recognize that only then can we access and unleash our full potential.
3. Open source
We see ourselves as conduits rather than as creators of the tools, frameworks and training programs that have manifested through us. We claim nothing through copyrights and, whenever possible, adopt an open source approach to evolving this work. In this way our partners and collaborators can freely build on, enrich and expand the impact of this work in the world.
4. Transcended Listening
Everyday we practice the act of being present to others, suspending our judgment and reactive thinking, and opening up our awareness to accept criticism or feedback with the intention of being with it, even when it is far from our truth. Instead of being triggered, we let others’ input transform us into action and unforeseen breakthroughs (the 3rd way). We listen with kindness to the deeper and subtler levels of meaning and emotions within others.