Being at Full Potential

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  • Being at Full Potential changed their profile picture 4 years, 10 months ago

  • We will…Awaken to the rich diversity within ourselves, Celebrate the uniqueness of each other, play with the inner tensions that prevent our full diversity from expressing itself, Step into the hugely creative […]

  • Being at Full Potential changed their profile picture 5 years, 3 months ago

  • Being at Full Potential uploaded a new cover picture 5 years, 3 months ago

  • Everyone has the power to affect the direction of an organization
    Presentation by Annelieke Verkerk (BEING AT Full Potential) at the 19th  International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in […]

  • “Self-awareness and self-love matter. Who we are is how we lead.” (Brené Brown, dare to lead).

    I would like to add to that: Self-compassion matters. Leading from the heart matters. Connecting our mind and hear […]

  • The topic of Artificial Intelligence has been on my mind lately. It seems to be coming whether we like it or not. Therefore it’s no surprise that many people are asking themselves if it will have a positive […]

  • Have you ever wondered…What makes a great organizational culture? How culture impacts and influences organizational performance? Why so many attempts to create great cultures fail? What we can do to approach […]

  • Have you ever wondered…What makes a great organizational culture? How culture impacts and influences organizational performance? Why so many attempts to create great cultures fail? What we can do to approach […]

  • This article is a must read for all employers looking for the next breakthrough in organizational performance. It lays out the challenges we face in today’s organizational world and provides scientific proof that […]

  • More than ever the time is ripe to bring greater focus to the deeper human drivers of performance and create the conditions for the Human Spirit to come back alive in the work context. The Human Potential […]

  • What I learnt from saying ‘I don’t know’ , ‘I got that wrong, let’s start again’.

    There is such an expectation that as the teacher we should either know the answer, or where to get it – as if we are a walking […]

  • I’ve been reflecting on the meaning and purpose of sustainability departments and have come to the conclusion that there is a great opportunity to evolve – and step-change – the role it plays in the org […]

  • The theme of sustainability continues to show up in interesting ways. A few weeks ago it was the word itself (sustain-ability) that triggered a reflection. It seemed odd that we would want to “sustain” an econ […]

  • In this 3-part series we share the insights that emerged from our Human Potential Summit in September. During these two and a half days, 20 visionary change-makers came together to look at the theme of […]

  • In this case study you will discover how a London-based supermarket, Thornton’s Budgens, took significant steps to realise more of the Human Potential of its organisation and as a result created a b […]

  • Diversity is a social and natural imperative for any organization. It is the law of nature. Any entity that does not reflect the diversity of the ecosystem it exists within will become replaced by another that […]

  • I have recently returned from a deeply personal and transformative experience in India. Reflecting back on these 2 weeks I realize there are many new insights that I have gained, some of which I would like to […]

  • Through a few simple techniques, executives can boost workplace “MQ” and inspire employees to perform at their peak.

    Musicians talk about being “in the groove,” sportsmen about being “in the zone.” Can employee […]

  • How to Create an Exponential Mindset, Mark Bonchek for HBR Digital business models are a bit of a misnomer. It’s not digital technology that defines them; it’s their ability to create exponential val […]