


Phone Number

0041 79 646 6450







What do others say about me and my coaching?

I just finished the 5 day intensiv course in Baarlo; I have a very big potential in coaching as I am already coaching people in Spirituality.  I have an affinity in helping people and feeling their needs with my great intuïtion.

Who is my ideal client?

Changemakers/Visionaries, Education, Individuals, Others

What is my vision for my coaching practice?

to help people shine, that they will operate from their Hearts,

that the< are happy with their work and feel satisfied at their job

Life experiences I bring to my coaching

I have been able to change peoples lives on a more personal level, I inspired them to live from their heart by being at their fullest potential

My Speciality

Life Coach, Relationship/Family coach, Spiritual Coach

Geographic scope of my practice


Anything else about Me

I see myself as a flower that has opened up these past 8 years more and more t who I TRULY AM:  I have been lucky to have unpacked my load of blockages and becoming more and more in my own POWER,

What inspires me most about the HP approach?

to help people get into their own power and bring them awareness to be at their full potential

What unique talents and gifts do I bring to the community?

I am an empath, intuitiv I feel almost everything,  I feel also the subtle body language and I am a born healer with many SPIRITUAL gifts

What do I hope to get out of the community?

a togetherness, working and supporting each other, when someone needs one he /she can rely on the community for support and help

In what ways would I like to collaborate with other coaches in the community? (select all that apply)

Building partnerships, Sharing knowledge, Practice coaching, Writing articles, Other