

Gabriela Carrique

Phone Number








What do others say about me and my coaching?

Gabriela is an inspiring Coach who works with Teams and Executives helping them to achieve BIG goals pursuing their passions and dreams embracing their talents and potential. Her customers are those that are willing to grow their vision developing an awareness path where they honor themselves, their life and their work achieving high value and positive impact in organizations and communities.

Who is my ideal client?

Changemakers/Visionaries, Entrepreneurs, For profit, Government, Individuals, Organizations

What is my vision for my coaching practice?

To honor individuals, teams and organizations helping them to discover and take advantage of the hiding talent, grace and power that is below the iceberg.

Life experiences I bring to my coaching

Argentinian living in México the last 15 years, first I studied Industrial Engineer and an MBA in my original country, then in México, while working as Regional Sales Manager in a Global Company I realized that I needed a shift and find a different way to approach results through people. I start my Coaching Career in 2009 and since then I work, live and love this way of watching the world with an open mind to possibilities.

My Speciality

Leadership Coach, Executive Coach, Organizational Coach, Team Coach

Geographic scope of my practice


Anything else about Me

I am an Open networker, I really believe in sharing learnings, tools and experiences, building communities and coworking with colleagues and partners.

What inspires me most about the HP approach?

How the model links human potential and soft issues to real organizational results. That is a great way to help customers to grow nurturing their people, starting with the key and fundamental basis of their culture.

What unique talents and gifts do I bring to the community?

Enthusiasm, curiosity, creativity, I think I developed a team “sense” and group awareness in my view of organizations.

What do I hope to get out of the community?

Learnings, case studies, sharing know how and also global or regional projects.

In what ways would I like to collaborate with other coaches in the community? (select all that apply)

Co-creating proposals, Building partnerships, Sharing knowledge, Practice coaching, Writing articles, Organizing events