

Monica Dettori

Phone Number

+44 (0)78 99981679




London (UK) & Global (remote)


United Kingdom

What do others say about me and my coaching?

I present individuals, Leaders on their distinctive paths, and the organisational ecosystem with value added and measurable solutions that support you in your path to create sustainable change and transformation.​

By focusing on the “Whole Person”, with ethical practices and holistic methodologies, I meet your unique goals and needs at any step of your journey

Who is my ideal client?

Changemakers/Visionaries, Individuals, Organizations

What is my vision for my coaching practice?

My service offering reflects the diversity of experiences I have cultivated and developed in the people and organisation development fields. I leverage holistic methodologies that combine traditional approaches with Eastern practices that support energetic shifts in a psychologically safe space where the client is encouraged to explore, connect within, allow, embrace and transmute limiting narratives, deepening the knowledge and understanding of their inner world and inner self, to unlock growth and shift towards their goals and desires with more confidence and clarity.

Life experiences I bring to my coaching

I have a deeper connection with the Natural world and I bring the foundational principles of Nature’s wisdom into my work, to empower, to sustain, to help the client or/and the organisation create the change they seek and need blending into the coaching space regenerative approaches and modalities that are rooted in timeless wisdom that continues to be the source for rejuvenation, purpose and health in the quest for living a more meaningful and fulfilling life.  Nature Wisdom and Teachings find their unique expression in my creative project: Pachamama Waves, Wellness Art Inspired by Nature. You can learn more about it by visiting my Etsy Shop:


My Speciality

Life Coach, Leadership Coach, Organizational Coach

Geographic scope of my practice


Anything else about Me

Through nourishing and honouring my connection with Nature, I share regenerative practices that integrate ancient wellness traditions and wisdom with insights from modern science (neuroscience), psychology and conscious leadership and inner development, opening to new ways of living and working that synergise with one’s purpose and contribute to create a better today and tomorrow for all.

What inspires me most about the HP approach?

The Human Potential (HP) Model is a “whole person” holistic framework that enables individuals, teams and leaders to move towards growth, and higher levels of collective and positive action, as it unlocks clarity in direction, shared-vision and shared-purpose, yielding greater value creation.

It offers a validated roadmap to navigate the change journey from a human-centric lens, in which a deeper level of listening, facilitation and collaborative enquiry sustain transformation and shifts in consciousness that allow inner layers of dormant potential to come to light, connecting with the change journey from a space of meaning and purpose.

What unique talents and gifts do I bring to the community?

With a Hons Degree in Humanistic studies, and recognised credentials in the leadership, organisational development and holistic coaching and training fields, I continue to invest time and resources to create a space where coaching seamlessly blends in with facilitation and guidance to promote healing and embrace the expanded consciousness, to integrate embodiment and transformation as they unfold.

What do I hope to get out of the community?

To amplify the Community’s Mission by bringing about positive change at individual, organisational and societal level.

In what ways would I like to collaborate with other coaches in the community? (select all that apply)

Sharing knowledge, Writing articles, Organizing events