by Mark Vandeneijnde | Feb 25, 2021 | Assessing the Landscape, Change Agents, Exponential Mindset, Inner Voice, Innovation, Self Awareness, Unlocking Performance
A few weeks ago, I was catching up with some old colleagues from my Market Research days. As we were sharing stories, I was reminded of the brilliant minds I used to work with. Market Researchers are naturally drawn to asking lots of questions, understanding why...
by Mark Vandeneijnde | Sep 2, 2019 | Diversity, Education, Exponential Mindset, Happiness, Innovation, Unlocking Performance
My 13 year old daughter, Audrey, is the most social one in the family. She thrives whenever we have guests over and like all good hosts she will start with a tour around the house. Invariably the first room that gets proudly shown is her bedroom. It’s well kept...
by Sujith Ravindran | May 20, 2019 | Exponential Mindset, Human Potential Realization, Innovation, States of Awareness, Unlocking Performance
(credit for this work/model goes to Mark Vandeneijnde, John H Van Drie and numerous scientific and mystical experts who have contributed) Innovation has become one of the biggest priorities for organizations today. According to a recent study by PWC, the most...
by Fabio Salvadori | Feb 28, 2018 | Innovation
We live in a small and diverse world made of more than 7 billion human beings. The world population quadrupled in the 20th century, and it has doubled in the last 40 years. We are also more connected than ever. People, things and ideas move around the world with an...
by Mark Vandeneijnde | May 20, 2017 | Being Entrepreneurship, Inner Voice, Innovation, Meaning
The other day I was speaking with a friend about the upcoming Summit for Human Potential Realization that we are organising around the theme of innovation. I was explaining to her how unlocking true breakthrough innovation, the kind that significantly improves our...
by Being at Full Potential | Jul 28, 2016 | Exponential Mindset, Innovation
Digital business models are a bit of a misnomer. It’s not digital technology that defines them; it’s their ability to create exponential value. The music and video industries, for example, weren’t redefined by converting analog to digital formats. Just ask Sony...